How to Send WhatsApp Bulk Messages?

Weka: A CRM On WhatsApp Web for Broadcast

Here is a Step-by-Step Guide.

WhatsApp bulk messaging is important for businesses to communicate with clients at scale. Businesses can send messages to multiple clients at once using the bulk messages feature. They can refine the sales process by sending bulk messages to customers based on the stage of the sales funnel such as interested, lead stage, etc. 

Weka provides a broadcast feature option to send bulk messages to customers. If customers use Weka’s broadcast feature, they don’t need pre-approved templates, WhatsApp official API, or pay-per-message charges. Weka is easy to install and it takes less than a minute to install Weka from the Chrome store and start using it.

How to send bulk messages using Weka?

Step 1: Install and Login to Weka 

Users who upgraded to ProPlan or users in the 14-day free trial can use the broadcast feature. 

Step 2: Create a custom tab in Weka 

Use the “+” in the top bar to create a custom tab

Create a new custom tab
Create a new custom tab

Step 3: Upload/import the contacts via CSV file to any custom tab. 

The upload contacts option is visible once you click on +Add Chats to Tab In the bottom bar

Upload contacts in a .csv file
Upload contacts in a csv file
Step 4: Select the broadcast option in the side panel 
Choose the broadcast button on the side tab
Select the broadcast button on the side bar

Step 5 - Select the custom tab you would like to broadcast 

Select the custom tab you want to broadcast to
Under 'Send to', choose the custom tab you want to broadcast to

Step 6: Type the message in the text box or select from existing quick replies and send Broadcast

Enter the message
Click on send
Step 7: Observe the summary of the broadcast. If any messages are failed, users can download the summary to analyze.

See Bulk Messages Status on Weka WhatsApp CRM
Broadcast Status on Weka


Weka’s broadcast feature is helpful for WhatsApp campaign management and marketing. Anyone can start using the broadcast feature and send a campaign in less than a minute. 


Please make sure that you don’t spam customers a lot using the broadcast feature. Also, don’t send broadcast messages from multiple devices at the same time. Your number will be flagged and blocked by WhatsApp if you send too many messages in a single day.

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